Saturday 31 January 2015

Bonfires: Keeping Them Safe

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Bonfires are always great to have any time you are out camping or hanging out on the beach at nighttime! But in addition to how fun bonfires are, they can also be dangerous if you are not careful, as they are quite literally an instance of "playing with fire." Never go out and build a bonfire of your own without first making sure you know these simple safety measures that should always be taken.

Before you even collect wood for your bonfire, the first thing you should do is dig a pit in which you will build the bonfire. With this pit as the home of your bonfire, you can make sure it stays in its home instead of spreading all across the ground.

The next thing you should do - which will also help you to keep the fire from spreading across the ground - is to put rocks around the hole you have dug. The rocks you pile around the pit do not need to be huge, but they should be big enough to allow you to bulid a continuous ring around the pit.

Even though it can be tempting to use lighter fluid in order to get your bonfire started, you should never do this. When you use lighter fluid, it can be difficult to control exactly what the fire will do, which is a poor position to put yourself in. Instead, you should start by stacking kindling underneath your wood - and then you should light a small amount of this kindling to get the fire going. It might seem easier to simply douse the logs in lighter fluid and toss in a match, but doing so is also a lot less safe!

Most people know they should always put out a fire completely before leaving it behind, as even a dying fire can spread. But somehow, people neglect to realize that they should never leave a live fire behind either; never walk away from your fire - you should always have someone there to watch it!

You will be able to enjoy bonfires while camping or while hanging out at the beach - without putting anyone in danger - if you follow these simple tips!

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