Tuesday 18 November 2014

Keeping Your House Clean

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Most people would agree that there is hardly anything that is more annoying and frustrating than a messy house - the only problem, of course, is that for a lot of people, one of the few things that actually is more annoying and frustrating to them than a messy house is having to actually keep a house clean, and because of this, they sacrifice one discomfort at the expense of another and live in a house that is always a lot messier and a lot dirtier than it needs to be!

There is certainly no "universally perfect" way to keep a house clean, but one thing that works well for many people (yes, even for many people who hate having to clean a house!) is having a set of "chores" that you assign yourself each week; mark down all the things in your house that need to be cleaned once a month or so, and then break them down into four groups of tasks so that each one can be taken care of once a month.

In addition to taking care of a few smaller things once every month, you should also keep in mind some of the bigger, more thorough cleaning jobs you will want to undertake twice each year; add to this list the smaller tasks that do not need to be done frequently, and set aside one "cleaning day" in the fall and one in the spring, during which you can take care of these "twice per year" items.

And of course, the best way to keep a house from becoming a mess is to clean as you go; pick up after yourself as you move through each day, of course, and also, keep your eyes open for things that require cleaning, and knock them out on the fly.

When you break cleaning down into a regimented approach in this this manner, it will no longer seem like such a monumental task, and you will be able to live in a clean house - without feeling like you have to do "so much" work to make this a reality!

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