Friday 22 August 2014

Taking Your Dog On A Road Trip

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
No one ever said that taking your dog on a road trip is easy (and if they did say this, they were probably lying!), but just because most dogs do not travel great for long distances does not mean that you cannot do a few things to improve the way they travel; if you are going to be taking a road trip with your dog at any point in the future, here are a few things to keep in mind.

The first thing that will be important for you to realize is that most dogs get restless if they are stuck sitting still for too long, and this is one of the main reasons why they don't do great on road trips, but you can combat this by tiring out your dog before the trip so that all they really want to do is sleep; before you get in the car at the start of the day (or, if it is going to be a multi-day trip, before the start of each day!), run your dog as much as they can handle, properly tiring them out!

Of course, after your dog has run enough that they are properly tired, filling them up with water will also be necessary, which will mean a stop sooner than you may have wanted to stop for them to go to the bathroom; this is not a bad thing, however, as you should try to stop every hour or two to combat the restlessness your dog is likely to start feeling - realizing that it is better to be proactive in this than to wait until they won't stop whining!


And finally, giving your dog a lot of positive attention and affirmation will go a long way in helping them on the trip; the more soothing your tone when you speak to your dog, the more easily you will be able to calm them down and figure out if they need to stop to go to the bathroom again, or are simply feeling restless.

When you decide to embark on a road trip with your dog, realize that it does not have to be a nightmare; keep these tips in mind, and you will be able to make the trip a whole lot smoother than it would otherwise be!

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