Tuesday 10 June 2014

Exploring Some Traffic Rules You Might Not Know About

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
When you are driving around town, your first goal should be to remain safe on the road; a close second to this goal, however, is probably that you avoid getting pulled over and stuck with a ticket - and in your efforts to avoid the unpleasant surprise of a ticket, it will be important for you to adhere to all rules of the road, no matter how obscure they are. While none of the following infractions are likely to land you a ticket, they are all technically grounds for a moving violation - and if you are not aware of them, a surly police officer just might decide to give you a ticket when you least expect it!

Changing lanes: You already know that you cannot cross a solid line when you are on the road, but what you might not have known is that you also cannot change lanes when you are going through an intersection; if you need to change lanes at an intersection, make sure you either do it before you enter the intersection or after you leave the intersection!

Turning into the proper lane: When you are making a turn, and are needing to get over into the far lane, it might seem natural to make a sweeping turn that puts you in that lane right away, but you should make sure you are aware of the fact that it is actually illegal to turn into any lane but the nearest one - no matter what lane you are needing to be in!

Red lights: This is one that people frequently neglect to pay attention to - the fact that a red light always means Stop; this means that, even if you are making a right turn at a red light, you are still supposed to come to a complete stop before you keep going!

It is easy to break these rules and simply assume you will never get anything more than a warning - but it is just as easy (and a whole lot smarter!) to simply adhere to these rules, and to avoid the chance of a ticket altogether!

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