Friday 16 May 2014

How To Cut Your Own Hair

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
It is not unusual for people to try to cut their own hair, but this does not always mean that it is usually a good idea; while some people are able to successfully cut their hair with no problems at all, others find that this is not the case for them - or, at least, they find that they are going to need a lot more practice before they can cut their own hair well! Regardless of whether you are thinking about simply giving your hair a trim in a few areas or chopping a good portion of it off, you should be able to find success in cutting your own hair - as long as you make sure you are keeping these simple suggestions in the front of your mind!

First off, you need to start with a plan; too many people try to cut their hair by simply picking up the scissors and getting started, but when you do this, you are far more likely to end up with a hack job that you have to cover up for a couple months - and of course, it is far better to have a plan that you can try to execute!

Secondly, you need to realize that you can always cut your hair shorter, but you cannot make your hair longer, so even though it will take you a bit longer when you take this approach, always make sure you are cutting your hair "too long," and are slowly trimming down from there.

And lastly, starting out simple will be extremely important; avoid any complicated haircuts when you are getting used to cutting your own hair, as it is not that difficult to give yourself a little trim - as long as you are not trying to do too much.

You should also realize that there will be times when you mess up your haircut badly enough that the best course of action to follow next is to simply go to a hairdresser and allow them to fix it - so make sure you will be willing to do this, or else you might end up with a hat on your head for the next three months!

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