Wednesday 16 April 2014

How To Plan A Special Day With Your Significant Other

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
A large part of keeping your relationship with your significant other feeling consistently fresh and enjoyable (instead of it starting to feel stale and unenjoyable!) is for the two of you to make sure you are breaking out of your "routine" from time to time, doing things that are different for the two of you, or that are out of your "regular schedule." And while there are myriad ways for a couple to accomplish this, one of the best ways to break out of routine is to plan a day for your significant other that is full of little surprises - a day in which only you know what is going to happen next, and through which you can unfold step-by-step the things you have planned.

One of the biggest things that will make such a day feel special for your significant other is that you give them the whole day; this seems fairly obvious on the surface, but realize that this also means not spending the morning on your own before the two of you begin your day, and not ducking away near the end of the evening to do something different!

You will also want to make sure you plan this day far (or, at least, far enough) in advance, and as you plan this day, make sure you are doing so with ideas in mind that you know your significant other will enjoy; it is easy to plan a whole day around things that you yourself will enjoy, but it will mean a lot more to your significant other if the day is planned around things they will enjoy!

And of course, throughout the day, you will want to pay attention to the little things; be ready to adjust your plans based on what you perceive to be your significant other's desires, and try to do what you can to make every aspect of the day absolutely meaningful and special.

There is no need to try to plan a day like this every weekend - but when you surprise your significant other with a day devoted to them every once in a while, it will go a long way in making them feel special, and it will go a long way in keeping your relationship fresh and fun!

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