Thursday 3 April 2014

Ticks Repellants

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If you enjoy being in the woods, you know that this is tick season. Wood ticks are far from a favorate bug to anyone because they are so creepy and crawly. Not only are tick not nice to look at but they are also rife with diseases such as lymes disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis. You don't want to catch any of these things. There are a few things that you can do to reduce your chances of getting these diseases.

A tick burrows into your skin a bit in order to get its meal.  This can cause problems in removing them. It is very important to take care when removing the tick to make sure it is completely removed. It can be easier to remove ticks with a pair of round edged tweezers. Grasp the tick firmly by your skin and very gently apply backward pressure to pull the tick out. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, go to your nearest urgent care or walk in clinic.

Not getting a tick in the first place is the best line of attack. Using a combination of different sprays may be the best way to combat the little nippers. Permethrin Premium Insect Clothing Repellent is a spray you can put onto your clothing (not your skin), to repel and kill ticks. Permethrin is relatively safe in humans, but is a neurotoxin in bugs. This is not to be used on skin.

If you wish to put a spray on your skin in combination of using the permethrin on your clothing, an insect repellant wipe may be a great way to go. Containing 30% deet, this wipe will help deter ticks from getting on your skin. After you use deet you should make sure to wash it back off your skin. You don't have to worry about breathing in nasty aerosol bug spray when you use these wipes.

With a combination of bug repellents you greatly reduce your chance of getting a tick on you to bite you. Plus your chance of getting tick borne illnesses is greatly reduced.

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