Wednesday 24 December 2014

Looking For Ways To Brighten Someone Else's Day

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
A lot of people go through life focused only on their own self, their own concerns, and their own problems, and what they never realize is that one of the best ways to take care of their own self, their own concerns, and their own problems (and certainly one of the best ways to lift their own self up and feel better as they progress through the rest of their day!) is to find ways to brighten someone else's day, as brightening someone else's day will often make you feel a whole lot better as well.

If you remember a time when someone gave you a compliment when you least expected it, you will realize that one of the best ways to brighten someone's day is to give them this gift; of course, people can usually tell if someone is forcing a compliment their way, so do not try to fabricate some sort of thought just to make someone else feel good, but if something positive about someone comes to your mind, go out of your way to say it to them instead of just holding it in to yourself!

Another great way to brighten someone's day is to help them when they need help (even if they may not realize at the time that they need help!), so as you move through your day at work, at home, or even when you are out running errands or having fun, look for people that might need help, and then take the time to help them.

And people tend to get in the habit of moving through their day without giving a thought to all the people they are passing (and passing up opportunities to interact with!) throughout the day; as you go through the course of your normal day, take the time to smile at the people you pass, and if you have the opportunity, look to make conversation with people as you give them this smile, as this extra little bit of positive attention is sure to go a long way in making their day better.

It is not always easy to go out of your way to brighten someone else's day, but it is always worth it; and who knows, someday someone else might just do the same thing for you!

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