Monday 24 November 2014

What Are The Benefits Of An eBook Reader?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There are many people who have been reading books for ages who have said they will never switch to an eBook reader, claiming that "eBooks are not real books!" But even though an eBook will never be able to give the same smell and feel a real book gives, there are several advantages - even to loyal book readers - that the eBook has! If you have said that you will never make the switch to an eBook reader, read on; you just might change your mind!

Less expensive: A book usually costs anywhere from $25 to $30 when it comes out in hardcover - if you guy the actual copy of it. If you want to save a bit of money, you might end up having to wait a whole year before you get to read this book you really want, as the paperback is the only copy that will be reasonably priced. You can get a great price on brand new books if you have an eBook reader, however - and you will be able to download the book right into your hands!

Lightweight: If you take public transportation or if you travel a lot, you probably enjoy having a book with you. The problem with this, however, is the fact that you are still stuck lugging this book around with you all day after you get off the subway or the plane! If you own an eBook reader, however, you can carry around something that is easy to bring with you wherever you go, and that weighs a lot less than a hardcover book!

Lots of books: The best part of all about the eBook reader is that it enables you to carry piles of books around at once. If you are going on a vacation, or if you are the kind of person who likes to alternate between books, this is great! You will no longer have to lug five or six books around with you at once; by simply carrying one "book," you will have all the books you need.

Of course, the eBook reader is not for everyone; but if you thought that it was not for you, you might just think about changing your mind!

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