Saturday 25 October 2014

Playing Indoor Soccer: What Equipment Will I Need?

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
One of the most fun things you can do if you have a desire to hang out with your friends and stay in shape at the same time is play indoor soccer. Two more great things about indoor soccer are the fact that it can be played year-round and the fact that it is truly an intense workout! But before you can begin playing some indoor soccer, you will have to make sure you know all the basic equipment you and your team will need.

Of course, you will need to start out with all the basic equipment you would need for any soccer, including shin guards, soccer shorts, and shoes for playing. When it comes to shoes, you will want to find out what sort of playing surface your local indoor soccer gym has; most indoor soccer gyms have faux grass that allows you to play using cleats, but some places have artificial turf that will require you to get some special "indoor soccer shoes."

As for team gear, you will also want to make sure you have some sort of jersey or matching shirts, as you will be unable to distinguish your team from the other without these! Some indoor soccer gyms have rules that require all players on a team to wear matching shirts, but even if your local gym does not have this rule, it will still be good for you to still go this route. Your team jerseys will not have to be actual soccer jerseys, but you should still make sure that the shirts are made of lightweight material that will be good for some serious running and sweating!

Among the players on your team, you will also have to make sure you have a couple soccer balls, as games will be played with a soccer ball that comes from one team or the other. And among the most important things you will have to remember: most indoor soccer gyms require you to bring a "ref fee" each week; this is usually minimal, but make sure you have it!

Once these things are all in place, you can put in your indoor soccer team, and you can start having some serious fun!

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