Sunday 5 October 2014

Don't Lose Your Important Files, Back Them Up

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Computers hold a tremendous amount of important items for us. All the work that students do in school is held on a computer, whether they are in graduate school or under grad. Work files are all held on computers too if you are a businessman. Those who love photography also hold almost all of their photos on it too. These are just three types of people who would benefit greatly from backing up their computer on an external hard drive.

External hard drives are made by many companies, but the far and away leader is Western Digital. One of their most popular hard drives is the My Passport Essential One Terabyte. Most PC's today can be completely backed up by this really large amount of space. Western Digital prides itself on keeping important information safe. Most people want to be the only ones that can access their hard drive and this is possible with the hard drive's password protection.

If you choose to leave the hard drive plugged into your computer, it will back up any changed files without you knowing. When you do this your computer can be restored up to the point it fails if it was to happen. Western Digital backs up millions of computers around the world. Two decades of trust has been built up with customers who still use Western Digital today.

The USB port of your computer is where this drive connects. Although most computers have USB 2.0 ports, there are newer computers that have USB 3.0 ports on them. Western Digital made this hard drive compatible with both of these USB speeds. Whenever you take the step into the new speed of USB, your external hard drive will be ready as well.

Not backing up your important files is like you are playing with fire. Once it is lost, it will be lost forever without a back up. A majority of computers that need to be rebuilt also need their hard drive cleaned. Don't take the chance of losing files that are important to you and others.

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