Saturday 27 September 2014

Handy Tools For Watercolor Painting

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Have you thought about trying out watercolor painting? Watercolor is a wonderful medium which has a wide variety of ways it can be used. Watercolors can be used from sharp portaits or landscapes to soft abstract paintings. Starting to paint with watercolor doesn't have to be expensive.

To begin you do need a few things. There is the paint itself. You can choose between pigment cake or a tube of color. This ultimately comes down to personal preference, but there is a bit of difference in how these are used. Watercolor pigment cakes need to have water added to them to make the watercolor. In order to take care of these cakes the user must allow the cakes to dry between painting times. Tubes of watercolor paint are a bit easier to use in my opinion because they are already a thicker liquid and it is easier to get the intensity of color that you wish to use.

Whether you chose the cakes or the tubes of paint you will also need to get an artist palette. It is recommended to go with a palette with large deep wells for watercolors. You will want the ability to mix enough of the colors to complete the area you are working on. It also makes it nice so you can leave your colors in the palette and rehydrate them later. You don’t waste paint that way.

It is also necessary to get a set of brushes. With watercolor you can use many different types and shapes of brushes as you wish. Also the cost of brushes will vary depending on what you purchase. You will have a choice between synthetic and natural brushes. It is ultimately personal choice. Make sure to carefully clean your brushes and never store them brush down, as this will destory the brush.

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