Sunday 7 September 2014

Becoming A Movie Extra

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
One thing you may have noticed when watching a movie is that there are usually a lot of extra people in each scene that are doing nothing but walking around, saying no lines and playing no role, and serving no real purpose except to simply be there; these people, of course, are called extras, and while some of these people are certainly being extras on movies because they hope to break into Hollywood themselves, a lot of other extras in movies are simply people who thought it would be fun to be an extra in a movie! If you have ever thought that being in a movie might be fun - even though you maybe have no real acting skills, or no real desire to be an actor - here are a few things you will need to know about becoming an extra in a movie.

If you live in one of the areas where the filming of movies is common, such as Southern California or New York City, it will be a whole lot easier for you to become an extra in a movie, as there will be a lot more movies being filmed around you; if you live in these areas, simply keep an eye out in newspapers and local periodicals for ads for casting calls - but even if you do not live in a place where movies are filmed often, you can search online for casting calls of movies that may in fact be shooting in your area.

You will have to bring a headshot with you when you attend the casting call (even if you are not interested in being an actual "actor"), and if you have ever been in any movies before you should also bring a resume; typically, casting calls are held in a large area, and the main thing they will be looking for is people who will fit in with the look of the movie, and who will be able to show up on the day when they are supposed to be there!

Becoming an extra on a movie is actually quite easy, as long as you simply show up to a few casting calls with a headshot and - if applicable - a resume; and once you have landed a "role" in the movie all you have to do is show up on the day of the shoot - and wait around until they need you, at which point you will be able to make your major motion picture debut!

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