Monday 11 August 2014

Tips For Making Your Coffee Healthier

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
People say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many Americans would disagree, and would instead contend that "coffee" is the most important meal of the day; after all, there are many Americans who cannot function at all without their morning cup of coffee! But while many of us use coffee as a vital part of our morning, it can also be a poor choice when it comes to "what you are putting in your body," which is why - if you are a coffee drinker - it is important for you to understand how to make your coffee healthier.

In and of itself, coffee (besides being mildly addicting) is not bad for you, as it is low in calories and can even get your metabolism going; where coffee becomes a bad thing for you to put in your body is with the additions people make to their coffee.

One of the effects of caffeine is that it turns glucose into fat - and since sugar breaks down to glucose, this breaks down to mean that the cup of coffee and sugar you drink takes that sugar and turns it into fat!

People also fail to think much about the fact that they are putting half and half into their coffee - which is half milk and half cream - and this "half cream" is not good for you at all (and it is even worse for those who use cream instead of using half and half).

A cup of straight black coffee contains nothing but coffee beans and water, and is therefore the healthiest cup of coffee; if you are unable to stomach the taste of black coffee, however, you should make an effort to lessen the effects of sugar and cream. For some people, heating up skim milk and adding it to their coffee is enough to keep them from having to use cream; others find that they can skip the sugar in their coffee if they drink coffee during a meal; others find that flavored coffee keeps them from having to use sugar, or cream, or both; whatever the case might be for you, make an effort to look for a healthier way to drink your coffee!

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