Thursday 28 August 2014

How To Stay Safe In A Hurricane

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Now that Hurricane Irene is behind us, many people are starting to let their guards down as far as hurricanes go, but one thing that is important for you to realize – especially if you live anywhere along the coast – is that hurricane season is not entirely over, and it is far better to know how to prepare before you face a hurricane than to have to scramble to figure things out when a hurricane is heading your way. You probably have a fairly good idea of some of the things you should do in case of a hurricane if you have a house along the coast, but here are a few things you may not have thought of, so make sure you file these thoughts away so you will be prepared next time a hurricane hits.

There tends to end up being a shortage of a few important items when a hurricane is on its way to a town or a city; two of the most important of these items are water and gas, so when a hurricane is headed your way, make sure you stock up on bottled water in your house, and make sure you fill the gas tank in your car completely.

A lot of people do not fully understand how strong hurricane winds are capable of being, and because of this, they leave a lot of things outside that end up becoming projectiles and destroying parts of their property; if you have any patio furniture, a grill, or anything else that you keep outside, either tie these things down with bungee cords before the storm hits or bring these things inside!

And after all the work you have done to ensure the safety of your property, it can be easy to forget about taking care of yourself as well; make sure you are well sheltered before the hurricane hits, in a place where you will be protected from flying glass, high winds, and flooding – as taking care of yourself will be the most important thing of all when a hurricane is on its way!

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