Sunday 13 July 2014

Saving Money On A Road Trip

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
If there is some point in the future when you will be taking a long road trip, one assumption that can safely be made is that you are trying to save a bit of money in your travels (after all, packing a few people and a lot of luggage into a car can cost a lot less money than paying for a plane ticket for everyone in the group!), but because many people fail to realize the ways in which they can save money on a road trip, they end up spending a lot more on such trips than they really need to.

Some people will stop every night to sleep in a hotel when they are taking a road trip, but if your goal in the road trip is to get from one point on the map to another (rather than using the road trip itself as a vacation), the fastest and most cost-efficient way to complete this road trip is to simply sleep in your car; if you are taking a trip with several people in the car, you should rotate drivers, with each person catching some sleep when they are not driving, and even if you are driving alone, you can take naps in your car at rest stops and travel stops before getting right back on the road!

A lot of road trippers also decide to stop at fast food restaurants or at sit-down restaurants for their food, but a much more cost-efficient and time-efficient way to eat is to simply bring food with you in the car; with such foods as peanut butter and bread, cereal, trail mix, and fruit, you can get a lot more for your money and time!

And when taking a road trip, one mistake a lot of people make is that they do not really know how to get from "here" to "there"; a few wrong turns during a road trip can not only cost you a lot of time, but can also cost you a lot of money in wasted gas, so before you hit the road, make sure you know how to make it from "here" to "there"!

When you equip yourself with these tips as you embark on your road trip, you will not only be able to reach your destination more quickly, but you will also be able to do so while spending a lot less money along the way!

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