Saturday 24 May 2014

Knowing Things To Bring When Backpacking Overnight

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
People often get the urge that they want to go "backpacking," and think that this is really no different from camping, but while there are plenty of similarities between backpacking and camping (even a lot of close similarities between the two!), there are also a lot of significant differences, and if you are going to go on an overnight backpacking trip, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind.

The first thing you need to realize is that food (of course!) will be an important part of your journey, and while you can pack up a cooler and toss it in your car if you are going camping, things will be a bit more complicated if you are going backpacking; bring food that will not spoil (such as frozen bratwursts, which will keep for a couple days), food that will give you energy (such as nuts, seeds, and berries, which you can often find together in a packaged trail mix), and food that is lightweight!

Another mistake a lot of people make is assuming they will have no problem lighting a fire when they are backpacking, as they imagine that all the available firewood will make their fire-lighting easy, but realize that you will often be dealing with moist wood and tinder when you are out in nature, so bring some tinder with you before you hit the trail; the best way to do this is to collect some dry grass, leaves, and even twigs about a week before you leave for your trip, and put this in a baggie that you can keep in your pack.

And realize that when you go backpacking, you are not going to be coming across any bathrooms for a couple days, and while this will leave you with no choice but to go to the bathroom right there in the woods, this does not mean that it leaves you with no choice but leaves when you finish; bring a roll of toilet paper with you when you are going on a backpacking trip, as you will surely be happy that you had the foresight to do so!

A backpacking adventure can be a lot of fun - but it is certainly a whole lot more fun when you bring the right things with you, so keep these tips in mind, and make your overnight backpacking trip a success!

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