Thursday 8 May 2014

How To Take Good Care Of Your Computer

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
There are some people for whom their computer is just "something they own," while for others, it is an investment - a way for them to make money and stay connected to information - but regardless of which of these two categories you fall into yourself, one thing remains constant between the two sides: It is beneficial to know how to take good care of your computer! Even though it is relatively easy to take good care of a computer, and despite the fact that most people realize taking care of their computer is important, many people lack the proper knowledge in order to know exactly what they should do to take good care of their own computer.


Internal: Downloading software and other things to a computer that do not actually belong there is one of the biggest mistakes people make; unless you know for certain that something is safe for your computer, you should never download it, as some things you download will end up causing your computer to slow down, and may even end up causing your computer to crash!

External: Just as important as the external care you take of your computer will be the internal care, as you want to make sure your computer does not get dropped or bumped around; if you have a desktop computer, keep it stored so that wires are not hanging down and putting its life in jeopardy, and if you have a laptop, make sure you store it in a safe place and transport it in a safe manner.

Life: The battery life of your laptop is not nearly as important as its internal and external safety (after all, you can still use your computer even if the battery is shot), but it will be nice if your battery life lasts for a long time - and the best way to achieve this is by keeping your laptop on electricity (instead of on battery) whenever you can!

You will be able to protect the life and livelihood of your computer when you do these things - regardless of whether it is an investment or is simply another item you own!

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