Sunday 20 April 2014

How To Save Money With "The Rule Of Two Days"

Manifest What you Want, Whenever you Want....
Every one of us has probably been there before: we see an item in the store that we really do not need (at least, we never realized we "needed" it until we saw it in the store!), and all of a sudden we can think of nothing but that item; we "have to" have it, and so - of course - we pick it up and buy it! There are times when this turns out to be a good purchase, but there are plenty of other times when we get home with this item and immediately regret having spent the money on it - or, where we are happy with the item for a while, and then it disappears altogether.

If you have been trying to make better decisions with your money, one thing that is worth considering is using the "rule of two days" - which calls for you to wait on purchasing an item until at least two days after that "craving" for the item started; and once you start following the rule of two days, you will find that you often end up not buying the item at all!

Once you start to follow this rule, it will also be beneficial for you to keep a notebook in which you write all the things that you are wanting to buy; once you do this, you will have written down all the items that you have already decided you feel comfortable buying, which will make things easier when a craving hits you in a store. If you are in a store and an item jumps out at you, imploring you to buy it, you can pick it up and buy it right then if it is already on your list as something you have been looking for. But if you have not been looking for that particular item for a while, mark it down in your notebook, and see if it is still on your list in two days; if it is, you will know for certain that you are not just wasting your money by picking up that item!

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